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Conscious Dynamics®
Embodied Consciousness
Programs (Online) | Programs by Design | Embodied Consciousness | Mindfulness: MBSR / MBCT | Relational Mindfulness | Creating

Embodied Consciousness - Insight Meditation and Mindfulness

Working with your own mind is the most important skill you can ever learn. Through mindful awareness you become a conscious and active part of your own evolutionary process. Your own experience becomes your best teacher and most reliable resource. Cultivate contemplative awareness, relational skill, and compassionate action in all aspects of your life.


  • If you are new to Insight or Mindfulness Meditation or you would like an enrichment course there are several options available to you.

  • If you already have an establishded meditation practice or have a special interest there are several offerings available below to deepen and enrich your practice and to integrate it more deeply into your personal and professional life.

Meditation in Groups

Small interactive groups online.

Weekend Retreats provide an opportunity for sustained stillness and are thus conducive to developing awareness and deep integration of meditation teachings. Retreats provide a deepening opportunity for experienced meditators and an invaluable immersion experience for beginners.

One to eight session courses in:
Insight and Mindfulness,
Interperonsal Mindfulness.
We are especially skilled in tailoring programs to meet your needs.
Apply for tailored program or event here.
Individual Courses

Individual Beginning Courses
Take one of our digitized courses: Several teachers are available to help you with the First Steps course.

Individual Deepening Courses
Follow up an individual or group course with ongoing coaching or individual work.

Request a formal assessment to look with mindfulness and awareness at your stressors and your responses to stress.

Mindfully create and manifest your visions, goals, and desires in a creating process.
Special Populations

Corporate Innovations

Mentoring Training
Spiritual Leadership
Mental Health
Physical Health

Secondary stress in social services and community activism

Inspiration and Insight in Fine arts

Spiritual Direction

Attention Training